However, because the current Scientific paradigm propagates the idea that HIV causes AIDS, we now turn to the history of HIV itself by attempting to trace its origins.
The one view that made the greatest impression on me was that HIV originated from contaminated monkey tissue which was used for the creation of a Polio Vaccine by Immunologist Hilary Koprowski, who between 1957 and 1960 tested the Polio vaccine in nearly one million people in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.
Dr Koprowski’s Polio Vaccine concoction, was cultured in tissue taken from chimpanzees infected with a virus similar to HIV called SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus). Following the introduction of SIV into the bloodstream after a person had been injected with the Polio Vaccine, SIV would then mutate into HIV from within its human host.
Not everyone agrees with this theory however, and it has been denied quite strongly in most Scientific circles which favour the theory that HIV crossed over from monkeys to Humans because of the monkey meat consumed by Africans in the Congo.
This however does not adequately explain how it is that SIV crossed the species barrier from monkeys to become HIV in Humans after the Humans consumed the flesh of the SIV infected monkeys which they had been doing since time immemorial without acquiring AIDS.
Further complicating the issue is the fact that the Scientific establishment is threatened by the Polio Vaccine theory, and as such will not admit that HIV was injected into innocent people through the Polio Vaccine with Government approval in the Congo.
The establishment has always shown its support for Dr Koprowski, standing behind him whenever he has denied that his Polio Vaccine was infected with SIV from monkeys then injected into unsuspecting people.
I personally favour the Polio Vaccine theory, and find the 'SIV monkey theory' a bit far fetched, and that perhaps its more acceptable to the World and the Scientific community due to its underlying prejudice. For this reason, the 'Polio Vaccine Theory'' is an alternative view we should at least consider.
Meanwhile, we've added links to an article dealing with both sides of the argument on the HIV Origins question as well as a link to the classic documentary 'The Origin of AIDS'...Enjoy, explore and make up your own mind.
Next up we look at the earliest signs of HIV in the 80s with the first HIV Patient dubbed 'Patient Zero'...One!
i) Documentary : The Origin of AIDS: https://www.youtube.com/
ii) Origin of AIDS Article : http://www.rense.com/
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