In production, they are tapped in the same way, by climbing to the required height or to the neck of the palm tree and cutting ducts, under which are placed local mugs (calabashes) or plastic gallons. In some areas, the "Mmanya nkwu" is tapped also from a fallen palm tree. However, it is worth mentioning that the quantity of "Mmanya ngwo" obtainable from the palm tree is usually about thrice that of "Mmanya nkwu" within the same time limit.

The last cup of palm wine which contains the dregs (Ugwu mmanya) is usually given as a mark of honour to the eldest or the host. The importance of palm wine to the Igbo community can never be over emphasized.
Source:Mbanese Mirrors
Mbanese Mirrors is a group designed for the progress of MBANESE(Akwaihedi,Ebenator,Ezinifite,Osumenyiand Utuh)where the projects,vision,ideology,activities of the Council,State,Region and other political cum social affairs as it concern MBANESE,is constructively discussed. Where its people find time to educate the good people of MBANESE on key political and social matters with informative reports.it has a sole purpose of PUBLICIZING, INTERACTING as well as doing JUSTICE to the SUSTENANCE of MBANESE.
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