Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Authority Icon: IFEDI ANDI OKWENNA

For his multiple interventions on different so­cietal fronts that consistently stress the value of discipline, hard work, focus and upholding humanity; for his large vision expressed in a track record of commitment and sincerity which have ultimately uplifted society, Dr. If­edi Andi Okwenna is The AUTHORITY Icon

A man of many parts, his forte traverses education, politics, administration, leadership training, philanthropy and more. Due to the quality of impact his interven­tions have recorded in these diverse arenas he has attracted both national and international awards. He was former Special Assistant (Politi­cal) to President Olusegun Obasanjo and for­mer Commissioner for Environment under the Peter Obi-led administration in Anambra State. Meet Dr. Ifedi Andi Okwenna.
He was born on November 22, 1965, in Nnewi, Anambra State. He attended Boys High School, Osumenyi, Nnewi South, earning his GCE in 1982 and WASC in 1984. Subsequently he proceeded to the College of Arts, Science and Technology (Now Federal Polytechnic) Oko, where he bagged a National Diploma (ND) Civil Engineering in 1985. Looking ahead, he enrolled with the Anambra State University of Technology (Now Enugu State University of Science and Technology) earning a B. Sc. Hons in Applied Biological Science in 1987/88.
He was Director-General of the African In­tegration Network for Developmentfrom 2003 to 2005 and served as Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Science and Tech. Anambra State in 2006; Hon. Commis­sioner, Anambra State Ministry of Environ­ment – 2007; Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Environment/Ministry of Science & Technol­ogy, Anambra State - 2008. He was also Direc­tor General Center for Environmental Disaster Prevention and Aid (CEDPA) Abuja, from 2008 to 2012 and Director General, African Institute for Leadership Training and Develop­ment (AILTAD) between 2012 and 2014. He was Managing Director, Nigerian Mail News­paper from 2014 to 2015 and is the Director General, Save Democracy Group Africa from 2014 to-date.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Economics of Nigeria (FCE) 2007; Fellow of the Certified Institute of Public Administration of Ghana (FCIPA) 2007; Certified Professional Fellow of Public Administration of Nigeria (CFPA) 2007; Fellow of the Civilian Institute of Democratic Administration (FCIDA) 2006; Fellow International Institute of Administration Management 2008; Fellow of Strategic Finance and Administration Institute (FSFAI) 2008 and Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club Inter­national 2008. He was featured in the Nigeria Who is Who 2008.
On the faith and community interventions arena, Okwenna was National Secretary, Na­tional Association of Catholic Corpers (1988); Chairman – Erosion Control Committee, Os­umenyi Town Assembly-1994-2000; Member Executive Council Osumenyi Town Assembly (1995-2001);Member Ecological Society of Ni­geria - 1990-date; Director General, Habitat Right Institute -1997 2003; Assistant secretary, African Coalition of NGOs in Environmental and Human Settlement - 1996-1997; Execu­tive Member, Catholic Laity Council of Nigeria - 1994-1995; Co-coordinator, Justice Develop­ment and Peace Commission Surulere, Lagos - 1996-1998; Member, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) FCT - 2000; Jerusalem Pilgrim (JP) – 2001 and more.
He is happily married and some of his hob­bies include political analysis, conflict resolu­tion, reading biographies/autobiographies of great men and women, strategic planning/anal­ysis and problem solving/philanthropy.
Note: Sir Ifedi Andi Okwenna Is from Umuomam Village,Osumenyi. 

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